Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Well Cayden did not sleep in his big boy bed last night, when we told him it was time for nahneez he went upstairs to his room and cried to his daddy until he put his mattress and stuffed animals back in his crib, so he did and he included his new pillow and comforter which Cayden proceeded to throw out of his crib. My baby does not like change at all in any form. Luckily he has a few months to get used to the idea of getting in the big boy bed and becoming a big brother and letting Connor use his crib. This is his 'I had a good sleep in my CRIB face' with a little additional Cinnamon Toast Crunch on his lip.

1 comment:

  1. I love that he threw the new stuff right out of his crib- a boy who knows his own mind about things!
