Thursday, January 12, 2012

He doesn't need me for much anymore which is sad BUT it's nice being able to give him his plate and silverware so he can feed himself while I feed myself instead of having to feed him and my food get cold.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012


My baby eating one of his favorites, TRIX yogurt, he is soo cute. Today has been long and draining. A lot of couponing trip planning and a cranky little Cayde.


OOOH boy I did not have time to blog for this day BUT of course I took my picture. I have decided I am not going to publish the blog anyways in my book, only my photos but I will like to have this to look back on while putting the pictures in my book and maybe writing a few special dates and what not, but anyways, Cayde and I just hung out and practiced our ABCs a lot and even though he can't sing them right he really is trying and I know by this time next year he will know them by heart and a lot of other things. My smart little baby.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Well it wasn't warm enough for the park but we were still pretty busy today, we went to 7-11 and I bought two newspapers and did A LOT of coupon clipping, I better be clipping this time next year, some of the deals I found were insane! We are also trying to sell one of our cars, our good car to be exact....we cleaned it and photographed it and posted it so we'll see how that goes. We are really trying to get a minivan for our growing family, what we have now will not do. Now it's time to make tacos and find something to watch on TV as a family before Casey has to get back to work tomorrow.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Casey took a bunch of videos of Cayden the other night dancing which is one of his favorite things to do, this morning they sat together on the computer and watched them. He loves watching himself, it's so cute. Today was a pretty boring, lazy Saturday and now I'm making spaghetti for dinner! Maybe if it's as warm tomorrow as it was today we will take Cayde to the park.

Friday, January 6, 2012


I just want to talk about my amazing little bubba (Cayde) and how helpful he is to me everyday. He does soo much to help me out and I'm hoping this year he will still be doing the same things, maybe even more! He helps me vacuum, he picks up all his toys when we say clean up!, when we say trash he knows that we need to take whatever we have to the trash can, he helps me load the washer and dryer and unload the clean dishes from the dishwasher, these are some of his favorite things to do...for now anyways. He is such a helpful little guy, I know when Connor comes he will be helping me a lot and I just couldn't be more thankful. I appreciate him so much.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


So I LOVE LOVE LOVE Pinterest, I love it soo much. I know this time next year I will still be on it, being inspired in lots of different ways. One of the ways I have been is by a 'Family Rules' post I saw and I thought "how great would that be" especially for toddlers to learn and follow at home and also when they transition into school. Even though Connor won't know for a while, I'm sure around summer time Cayden will be understanding a lot more and can learn a lot from the rules and teach his little brother to follow them too when the time comes. I am very excited to frame them and hang them in our house for our children to learn, love and live by.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Well Cayden did not sleep in his big boy bed last night, when we told him it was time for nahneez he went upstairs to his room and cried to his daddy until he put his mattress and stuffed animals back in his crib, so he did and he included his new pillow and comforter which Cayden proceeded to throw out of his crib. My baby does not like change at all in any form. Luckily he has a few months to get used to the idea of getting in the big boy bed and becoming a big brother and letting Connor use his crib. This is his 'I had a good sleep in my CRIB face' with a little additional Cinnamon Toast Crunch on his lip.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Today was the big day with Cayden's surprise! The gifts my dad bought for Cayden for Christmas came, a toddler bed and Thomas & friends bedding. He is a little confused which I expected, he helped his daddy put it together....sort of. He kept staring into his crib and yelling OH NO! He is soo cute haha, he laid in it a little but just kept throwing his pillows and blanket off. He'll get the hang of it with time. He will probably be sleeping in his crib for a bit longer but having the option of his bed right there in front of his eyes, as long as we can get him adjusted before the arrival of our baby Connor! Everyone likes choices! ;)

Monday, January 2, 2012


Today was a pretty lazy day, I made a big breakfast for Casey and Cayden and as men do, they bonded over video games while I cleaned up. I made a pot roast, can I just mention how amazing whoever invented the crockpot is? I mean come on, the crockpot is an amazing asset, at least to my kitchen...and my life. Anywho, Cayden has a big surprise coming tomorrow and I cannot wait to share it with him! I'm not feeling too good today but tomorrow is a new day!

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Well it's the first day of 2012! Strangely enough it was nice enough outside to take Cayden to the park, this time last year that would have been a definite no no. He loves the park and had sooo much fun. With the new year I want to make a lot of changes which means a lot of commitments. A few of my resolutions are to control my temper, teach Cayden his ABC's and to count to 10, I would also like to dedicate more time to learning how to use my camera to it's full ability, I want to have as smooth a delivery with Connor as I did with my Cayden, and lastly to be the best mom and wife I can be which I strive to do everyday but I really want to try to be 'the best' don't we all!